What is the ruling regarding someone who intended to divorce his wife, and then delayed doing so?
Category: Fatwa
Husband does not pray nor fast and is suspicious of me
My husband is very careless about his religion, so he does not pray nor fast. Further, he prevents me from doing any good deeds.
My wife persists in smoking cigarettes
she smokes in secret from her husband, and when I found out about this, I punished her and advised her against smoking. She did not take my advice and continued smoking.
Husband jokingly says to his wife: “You are divorced!”
If a husband jokingly says to his wife: “You are divorced!”, is she [thereby] divorced?
Husband permits non-mahram men to freely enter house
A husband became angry at his wife and said to her that he will permit non-mahram men to [freely] enter the house.
Pronouncing divorce upon the wife three times
A man had a quarrel with his wife and she verbally abused him. So he said to her: “You are divorced!” She repeated her abuse, so he replied again by saying: “You are divorced!”
Refuting Ahlul-Bid’ah is considered as jihaad
Is the statement of one who says that: “Whoever refutes the Ahlul-Bid’ah is considered a mujaahid in the Path of Allaah” – is this statement correct or not?
Testification of one’s eemaan because he regularly attends the masjid
Is it permissible to bear witness to someone’s eemaan (faith) just because he regularly goes to the masjid, as occurs in the hadeeth?
The creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah in regard to Allaah’s Names and Attributes
Does affirmation of a Name necessitate affirmation of an Attribute, and [likewise] does affirmation of an Attribute necessitate affirmation of a Name?
The Islaamic viewpoint regarding sects
What is our position as Muslims towards them and towards that which their followers propagate of their evil and corrupted thoughts [in the name] of the religion of Islaam?