There is a woman suffering from epilepsy, and [at the same time] possessed by a female jinn.
Category: Fatwa
Going to church for treating insanity
It is claimed that treatment for insanity is to be sought at church, in particular, the church of Mary Jirjis, or from sorcerers and charlatans commonly practising in villages.
The descending of Jibreel from the sky whilst performing ruqyah
They claim that when they were treating one such case, [the angel] Jibreel descended from the sky and helped them drive the jinn out of the patient.
The validity of ruqyah
I have heard about a companion [of the Prophet ﷺ) who treated a patient by ruqyah, and was given some sheep in return.
Using the Qur.aan to ward off the jinn
I am a blind man. Every night a number of jinn come to my house and I am very scared of them. I now use a copy of the Qur.aan to keep them away; if I hold it up in their faces, they leave me.
Depositing money in a bank for safe keeping
Is it permissible for whoever has a lump sum of money to put it in a bank with the intention for safe keeping, and whenever the zakaah is obligatory upon that sum of money he extracts the required amount and gives the zakaah? Please advise us, and may Allaah reward you with good.
Using ribaa funds for good causes
I had shares in a bank which deals with ribaa, and then I sold them and earnt a profit. And now, some time has passed and I do not know what to do with it (the profit). So what do you advise me with? And may Allaah reward you with good.
Circumstances compel him to work for a bank which deals with ribaa
What is the ruling regarding someone whose circumstances compel him to work in a bank or [any] local money exchanges in the Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia]…
Depositing money in a bank which does not deal with ribaa
So is there any sin upon us in leaving this money in the bank, knowing that we extract the zakaah which is due upon it?
Transferring money via banks which deal with ribaa and using the ribaa for good causes
Is it permissible to take ribaa from these banks and donate it in charity to the poor and build charitable homes, etc., instead of leaving it with them?