Which of the two is best; the last ten of Ramadhaan or the [first] ten of Dhul-Hijjah?
Category: Fatwa
Asking different scholars for a fatwa regarding the same issue
Is it from the methodology of the Salaf to seek a fatwa from a scholar regarding an issue, [and] then go to another [scholar] and seek a fatwa [about the same issue] from him, and so on?
Our obligation towards al-Masjid al-Aqsa
What is the role of the scholars, and the callers [to Islaam], and those giving sermons towards what al-Masjid al-Aqsa is being subjected to in the attempts to desecrate, or perhaps demolish it?
I am a housewife
“I am a housewife, and don’t [go out to] work. And most of my time is spent with my children, looking after them, and at the service of my husband. And [whilst] I am in the kitchen, I listen to the [recitation of the] Qur.aan; so am I rewarded for [any of] that?”
Died at a young age and had not done hajj or ‘umrah
My brother died at the age of 35, and he had not performed hajj. Should I perform ‘umrah or hajj on his behalf – even though he had not done so?
Sincere advice to a father who does not pray
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: And also, his father does not pray, and when he advises him, he says: “I know more than you.” So what do you advise I do with him? Response: You mean he does not even know about salaah?! He [claims] he knows more than him, and [yet he] does […]
Lying for the sake of Da’wah
Is it permissible to lie for the sake of da’wah to Allaah?
Praying before or after the operation
From that which is known is that after the operation, the patient remains unconscious [for some time] until he wakes up, and after that he remains in pain for a number of hours.
Broke his fast two minutes early
What is the ruling regarding the one who broke his fast when he heard the mu.adhdhin calling the adhaan for [the] maghrib [prayer], and thereafter it was confirmed the mu.adhdhin had actually called the adhaan two to three minutes early?
Never accompany the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh
Visit our YouTube channel for more Questioner: I am a young man having just begun to practice, and I accompany the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh, and I want to travel with them to Pakistan, so what do you advise me with [in this regard]? Shaykh: We advise you not to travel with them, nor to [even] […]