I request you to explain the ruling regarding the use of this card, and are there any specific conditions which need to exist if the use of the card was not permissible?
Category: Fatwa
Weak in his tajweed, yet reciting the Qur.aan leading the prayer
I inform you that I am the imaam of a masjid in one of the suburbs of Riyadh and the problem is that I am weak in my tajweed during recitation and make many errors.
Saying «أقامها الله و أدامها» after the iqaamah
We hear some people say «أقامها الله و أدامها» after the iqaamah for the prayer [is called]. What is the ruling regarding this?
Whilst praying voluntary prayer, the congregational prayer starts
What is the overall opinion as to what to do when performing the naafilah prayer and the [congregational] prayer has started?
The type of Jihaad in Palestine
What is the Islaamic Sharee’ah perspective of the current jihaad of the Palestinians; Is it jihaad in the Path of Allaah, or jihaad for the sake of land and freedom?
The Palestinian Issue
What is the way to proceed regarding the Palestinian issue, which has, as the days pass, escalated in terms of complexity and violence?
Encouraged others to attend the prayer
A person saw some workers on his way to the masjid so he stopped by them and encouraged them to attend the salaah and gave them some advice.
I am prone to masturbating
I am a student who is prone to masturbation. My desires have overcome me such that I have not fasted as a result, and have abstained from performing my prayers for a long while.
The appearance of the Mahdee
What is your opinion about the appearance of the promised person, al-Mahdee?
Placing a wreath on a grave
Is placing a wreath on the grave of the “unknown soldier” equal to aggrandising the dead “saints” and pious people to the point of worshiping them?