He said that he does not want four, because his wife may become tired and overcome [by the pressure]. So he said remove two and leave [the other] two.
Category: Fatwa
Latecomers joining the congregational prayer
So, someone from the first row steps back in order to pray beside him. Is this act correct?
Seeking and accepting help from the disbelievers
What is the ruling regarding seeking and [then] accepting help from the disbelievers?
Even the creatures have rights
From the best of manners is to be lenient with both humans and animals under your ownership.
Eating and sleeping in the masjid
What is the ruling regarding the one who points his legs towards the [direction of the] Qiblah in the masjid?
Drawing lines on the floor carpet in the masjid
What is the ruling regarding drawing lines on the floor or prayer carpet in the masjid in order to systematically incorporate the rows…
The way to seek knowledge
Briefly, what is the way to seek knowledge, and may Allaah reward you with good?
The ruling regarding Sayyid Saabiq’s “Fiqh as-Sunnah”
What is your opinion regarding the book “Fiqh as-Sunnah” of Sayyid Saabiq?
Giving da’wah without knowledge
Which of the two is better – i) Freeing oneself for giving da’wah, or ii) Freeing oneself to seek knowledge?
Cutting the hair short to reduce falling out
My wife complains of her hair falling out a lot and it was said to her to cut it short as this will reduce the falling out [of the hair]. Is this permissible?