Is the one who leaves off a single [obligatory] prayer without a [Islaamically acceptable] reason taken out of the fold of Islaam?
Category: Fatwa
Looking at the opposite sex on television
What is the ruling regarding looking at a woman (ajnabiyyah – someone who he is not a mahram to) and [similarly] a woman (ajnabiyyah) looking at a man whilst watching television?
Dressing young girls in trousers
Some women dress their young daughters in trousers, and thereafter dress them up in an ‘abaa.ah. What is the ruling regarding this?
Abbreviating «sal-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam» to (S) or (SAW) or the like
Is it permissible to write the letter (S) [ص] instead of [writing] «ﷺ», and why?
Prohibition of continuing the prayer after having broken wind
After having joined the first row of the prayer, someone broke wind and continued with his prayer as he did not wish to disturb any of the people in the rows behind him nor ruin their concentration.
A woman travelling by airplane without a mahram
You disagreed with one of your colleagues concerning the issue of the permissibility of a Muslim woman travelling by airplane without a mahram…
Leaving a wedding if evil actions start
Is it obligatory to leave a wedding if [such evil] actions start, and that is after having advised and made clear the issue to them?
Rape victims and their offspring
Your question about the children of the women who were raped in Bosnia and Herzegovina and your need for beneficial [Islaamic] books.
Sending prayers upon the Prophet audibly before and after the adhaan
What is the ruling regarding sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ before the adhaan and after it in a loud voice?
Knowing what is in the womb
It is alleged under the question and answer column that it is man who decides the gender of the fetus. Is there anyone other than Allaah who knows the unseen?