Are the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid obligatory for everyone who enters the masjid, even if one wishes to perform the obligatory prayer immediately?
Category: Fatwa
Entering the masjid whilst the adhaan is being called
If a person enters the masjid and the mu.adhdhin is making the adhaan, what is more preferable for him to do?
Abandoning the Salaat al-Fajr
What is the ruling regarding abandoning the Salaat al-Fajr?
Shaking hands with women who one is not mahram to
Why has Islaam forbidden shaking hands with women who one is not mahram to? And does one’s wudhoo became nullified if he shakes the hand of a woman without desire?
The occurrence of “mal’abah” at weddings
What do you say regarding that which occurs at weddings in that they call “mal’abah” which consists of two facing rows [of people] and between them are two poets who exchange verses.
He forbids us to read the Qur.aan before Fajr
In our masjid there is a big shaykh who has a certain opinion; an example being that he has forbidden us to read the Qur.aan before Salaat al-Fajr in the masjid.
Decorating homes with figurines
What is the ruling on decorating homes with figurines that are not kept in houses for the purpose of worship?
Reciting a soorah after al-Faatihah in the third and fourth rak’ah
During the prayers which consist of three and four raka’aat, is it permissible to recite anything from the Qur.aan after having recited [Soorah] al-Faatihah…
The penalty for smoking
What is the penalty for a smoker according to the Sharee’ah?
Leaving off a single prayer
Is the one who leaves off a single [obligatory] prayer without a [Islaamically acceptable] reason taken out of the fold of Islaam?