From where should the row begin in prayer, does it begin from behind the imaam, or from the far right?
Category: Fatwa
Praying behind an imaam I dislike
I entered the masjid to pray, but I found an imaam whom I do not like to pray behind; what should I do so that I gain the reward for the congregational prayer?
Passing of wind from the woman’s private part
Does the passing of wind from the woman’s private part (vagina) break the wudhoo?
The famous Soofee leader – as-Sayyid Ahmad ar-Rifaa’ee
What is the correct opinion about the stories narrated from one of the famous Soofee leaders, as-Sayyid Ahmad ar-Rifaa’ee…
Blindly following the madhhab of the Shee’ah (Raafidhah)
Some people consider that it is an obligation upon the Muslim to blindly follow one of the four well known school of Islaamic jurisprudence in order…
Dealing with someone who insists on celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ
We have a man with us at work who approves of the celebration of the birthday [of the Prophet ﷺ ], and advocates and insists upon this.
Stopped performing her salaah believing her menses had started
A woman began to bleed and continued to do so for nine days, so she stopped performing her salaah because [she thought] it was her menses. After afew days her real menses started…
Not fasting in Ramadhaan due to exams
So is it permissible for me not to fast during the exam days, and then make up the fasts [which I missed] afterwards?
Had sexual intercourse a number of times during the same day in Ramadhaan
If one was to have sexual intercourse a number of times during the same day in Ramadhaan, is he/she then required to pay the penalty (kaffaarah) the same number of times?
Extending the greeting to the opposite sex
I am a university student, and sometimes I extend salaam to the female students. So is it halaal or haraam for a male student to extend salaam to his female colleagues at university?