When a man divorces his fourth wife, and wishes to replace her with a[nother] wife, does he have to wait [for the passing of] the duration of the ‘iddah of the divorced [fourth] wife?
Category: Fatwa
Leaving the masjid after the adhaan is called
What is the ruling regarding leaving the masjid after the adhaan has been called?
Bringing a television into the home
Some people, of whom we know good, bring televisions into their homes, and [by doing so] they say they do not wish to be accused of being excessive/immoderate.
Proposing marriage to a woman whose father works for a bank
I am a practising young Muslim man, al-Hamdu-Lillaah, and I want to marry a [particular] practising young woman. However, there is a problem in her home, and that is, her father works for one of the ribaa-based banks.
The two rak’ahs of Salaat al-Fajr and Tahayyitul-Masjid
Do the two [Sunnah] rak’ahs of Salaat al-Fajr suffice in place of the [two rak’ahs of] tahiyyatul-masjid?
Regarding a medical plaster when making wudhoo or taking a ghusl
Is it imperative to remove a medical plaster when making wudhoo or taking a ghusl?
The Islaamic ruling regarding Ayatollah Khomeini
What is the Islaamic ruling regarding [Ayatollah] Khomeini?
Women going out shopping
Me and my wife go out to the market to buy necessary items for her or the house, and she comes out with me completely covered…
Wearing coloured contact lenses
What is the ruling regarding wearing coloured contact lenses with the justification [for doing so] being for beautification and following the latest trend (fashion)?
Praying in a room with pictures hanging on the wall
The committee was asked about prayer in the workplace, in a room that has pictures of people hanging on the wall in front of them.