Is it permissible to suspend the [equal] division [of time] between the wives on the day of ‘Eed and make up for it [afterwards] with both of the wives?
Category: Fatwa
Did not make up the days from previous Ramadhaan
Is it permissible for one to break the fast which was [legally] required to be made up? Likewise with the naafilah fast?
The adhaan and iqaamah for the women-2
Is it legislated for the imaam to pause after reciting [Soorah] al-Faatihah so those behind him are able to recite [Soorah] al-Faatihah or not?
The adhaan and iqaamah for the women-1
Is the adhaan and the iqaamah obligatory upon the women or is it [merely] recommended?
Pronouncing divorce whilst intoxicated
Is the [pronouncement of] divorce by the one who is intoxicated carried out?
A woman praying inside her home
When should a woman pray inside the home, is it after the adhaan [has been called locally] or after the iqaamah [has been called]?
Forbidding the evil whilst maintaining ties and giving da’wah
Reference: as-Sahwah al-Islaamiyyah – Question 63, Page 199 Question: How do we combine [the acts of] forbidding an evil, maintaining ties of the womb (family ties) and da’wah to Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) with leniency and softness [all] at the same time? Response: A wise person is able to combine [the acts of] forbidding an […]
Performed the Maghrib prayer and realised he had not performed the ‘Asr prayer
Should he [then] perform the ‘Asr [prayer] and [then] the Maghrib [prayer] or should he [suffice with] perform the ‘Asr [prayer] only?
Women who discuss private marital matters with others
What is the ruling regarding the women who reveal private matters outside of the home or to some of those within the home?
The repentance of the homosexual
Is there any repentance for the one who commits the sin of homosexuality?