There are those who exploit the religion for their own advantage, specifically during the Gulf conflict [of 1991]. So what is your advice regarding that?
Category: Fatwa
Abstaining from getting remarried after death of her husband
Is it permissible for a young woman to abstain from getting married [again] after the death of her husband?
Joining a praying individual and performing the congregational prayer
Is it permissible for me to stand beside him and pray [along with him] on the basis that this person is the imaam and I am following [him]?
Husband divorced his wife without informing her
A man remained absent from his wife for a long period of time, and then divorced her without informing her [or anyone else]. So does the divorce stand?
Husband having sexual intercourse with his pregnant wife
What is the ruling regarding a husband having sexual intercourse with his wife whilst she is pregnant? Is this disliked or not?
Reciting two soorahs in a single rak’ah
Is it permissible to combine [the reciting of] two Soorahs in a single rak’ah of an obligatory prayer?
Lifting one or both feet off the ground whilst in sujood
I notice some people, whilst in the sujood [position] they lift one of their feet, or [even] both. So what is the ruling regarding this action?
Exchanging photographs via the internet
Is it permissible for a woman to send a photograph of herself via the internet to a man looking to get married, but who lives far away?
The prostration of forgetfulness – before or after the tasleem?
Is the prostration of forgetfulness (sujood as-sahoo) to be done before the tasleem (completion of the prayer) or after it?
Time allocation between wives if hajar has been made of one of them
Is it permissible for a husband to go to his second wife if he has made hajar of the first one based upon an Islaamically valid reason, or should he stay with the first one in the house?