Does this form of touching nullify her wudhoo if she previously had wudhoo or does it not have any effect [on her wudhoo]?
Category: Fatwa
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh’s lack of importance given to seeking knowledge
That which is well known about this group (Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh) is the lack of importance they place on seeking knowledge…
Looking at women in the Haram
Will a man be accounted for looking at women in the Haram (al-Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah)…
Two rak’ah Sunnah prayer after the Maghrib adhaan and before the iqaamah
What is the ruling of the tahiyyatul-masjid just after the adhaan of Maghrib and before the prayer, whilst the time period between the adhaan and the iqaamah is short?
The imaam leading the prayer from a raised platform
Is there any effect on the validity of the prayer whereby the imaam is praying [leading] the prayer from a raised platform to the congregation of followers?
Birth control during the early stages of marriage
Is it impermissible to prevent a pregnancy for a period of two years at the beginning of a marriage, so long as both husband and wife are in agreement with this…
A woman’s prayer in her home is better
If she abandoned praying in al-Masjid al-Haraam or al-Masjid an-Nabawee and prayed inside her home, would she be rewarded with the multiple reward for the prayer therein
The one who masturbates
We have heard much about the one who masturbates, so is there a hadeeth with the meaning that the one who masturbates and the one who has intercourse with a slavewoman is cursed?
Cutting short the voluntary prayer when the obligatory prayer starts
I notice some people praying a voluntary prayer, and when the mu.adhdhin announces the start of the prayer, they cut short and dismiss their [voluntary] prayer…
A woman has a boyfriend and then embraces Islaam
A woman asks, saying that she embraced Islaam whilst she was involved in an impermissible relationship with another man…