What is the Sunnah regarding entering upon the wife on the night of the wedding, because this [issue] has caused confusion amongst many people…
Category: Fatwa
The consequences of committing major shirk
Does everyone who commits ash-Shirk al-Akbar become a mushrik, and thereby the [appropriate] rulings pertaining to the mushrikeen are applied upon them?
Selling Islaamic films and videos
What is your opinion regarding selling Islaamic films [and videos] of living beings?
Urinating whilst standing-1
Is it permissible for a person to urinate whilst standing, and what is the ruling regarding this?
The rights of the child who dies after birth
If a newborn child was to die immediately after birth, is the ‘aqeeqah obligatory for him?
Taking a book or newspaper to read in the toilet
When I need to go to the toilet [to answer the call of nature] – may Allaah honour you [O Shaykh] – I take with me a book or newspaper [to read] whilst I am in there.
Using newspapers as eating mats and spreads
What is the ruling regarding eating and drinking from daily newspapers and [in particular] those who use them as [eating] mats and spreads for their food…
Seeking financial gain by performing Hajj Badal on behalf of someone else
Is it permissible for a person to perform the obligation of the Hajj on behalf of someone else who is financially and physically able [to perform the Hajj himself] in exchange for money?
Saying “السلام عليكم” to an unknown caller on the telephone
What is the ruling regarding saying ‘as-salaam [‘alaykum] to someone on the telephone if you do not know whether they are Muslim or not?
Praying on a raised area such as a bed
Is it permissible to perform the prayer on an area/place raised from the ground such as a bed or the like if a person had doubt about the purity (cleanliness) of the ground…