What is the ruling of completing and straightening the rows for the funeral prayer?
Category: Fatwa
Replying to the greeting “السلام عليكم” of the woman on the telephone
Is there any legal prohibition in replying to the greeting of the woman on the telephone or in any other [circumstance], or [her] replying to the greeting of the man on the telephone?
Praying between the pillars
[What is] the ruling of [performing] the prayer between the pillars?
Praying behind or next to women in the Haram area
Sometimes due to the extreme crowds in the Haram (al-Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah) the men [end up] praying behind the women or [you find] a man praying beside a woman, so is that correct?
When to stand for the prayer during the iqaamah
Is there any mention in the Sunnah of the moment [when one should] stand for the prayer when the iqaamah is called?
Hastening to catch the rak’ah while the imaam is bowing
Is it permissible to hasten to catch the rak’ah with the imaam in the congregational prayer? Provide us with a fatwa, and may Allaah protect and preserve you.
Travelling for the purpose of the funeral prayer
What is the ruling regarding travelling for the purpose of the funeral prayer?
Apostate leaves Christian husband and now wishes to marry a Muslim
She apostasised and married a Christian. She then returned to the fold of Islaam and left him. So how long would her ‘iddah (waiting period) be in order for her to marry someone else?
Congregational supplication after the “bayaan” of the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh
What is the ruling regarding the congregational supplication after their “bayaan” (i.e. the words of advice of the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh)?
Touching the private parts whilst in a state of wudhoo
Does touching the penis with the hand nullify the wudhoo?