What is the ruling if the mu.adhdhin forgets to say «prayer is better than sleep» [during the adhaan of the Fajr prayer]?
Category: Fatwa
Ignorantly performing the obligatory prayer before it’s appointed time
If a person is ignorant about the time of the prayer and prays before its appointed time, then what is the ruling (of the prayer he has just performed)?
Seeking divorce from a sterile husband
A woman has been married for 7 years and medical reports have confirmed that her husband is sterile. So can she request a divorce from her husband?
The group supplication in the graveyard
What is the ruling regarding the [group] supplication for the deceased in the graveyard after the burial and the saying of aameen thereafter?
Working for a hotel and having to serve alcoholic drinks
I work in one of the hotels, and the nature of my job forces me to carry drinks/beverages which Allaah has made haraam, I do pray, so is this permissible or not?
Mufti gets wide support on call to Saudi youth
Saudi Islamic scholars and officials have voiced full support for the statement made by Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, urging young Saudi men not to run after the calls for jihad made by foreign groups with vested interests. They also agreed with the mufti that it is the duty of an Islamic ruler to […]
When a presenter on TV or Radio extends the greeting
If the presenter on television or radio extends the greeting or [likewise] the writer in a magazine, then is it obligatory upon us to respond in this case?
Gifting the reward of doing the tawaaf to someone
When I was in Makkah al-Mukarramah, I received news that a relative of mine had died; So I performed the tawaaf for her – seven times around the Ka’bah – and made the intention for her.
Reading and writing fictional stories
What is the ruling regarding reading or writing fictional stories and those which arouse the imagination?
The paying of a bribe
Is the paying of a bribe permissible?