If I carried out the sacrifice on the 21st day, will it be considered as the ‘aqeeqah [sacrifice]?
Category: Marriage
Pregnant woman praying sitting down
Is it permissible for a pregnant woman to pray sitting down/seated, if she fears miscarrying [her unborn child]?
Seeking pleasure with the wife’s breasts
One night, when I was engaged in sexual intercourse with my wife, [the whisperings of] Shaytaan overcame me, and I began to play with my wife in other than her private area, [rather] it was her breasts; and I ejaculated on them. My conscience is unsettled, and is censuring me [for doing so].
Husband is absent from his wife for a long period
What is the ruling regarding the absence of some husbands from their wives for a long period?
The valid time period for the ‘aqeeqah sacrifice
Is the duration [within which the] ‘aqeeqah [is to be carried out] a week, two weeks or 21 days as is said?
She embraced Islaam before marriage, but now I have my doubts
However, after marriage it became apparent to me that she had not [really] embraced Islaam with her heart
Lenient in looking at pictures of women
There are many people who are lenient when it comes to looking at pictures of women, on the basis that they are [just] pictures and not [the] real [thing]?
Married with two wives, and gifting the wife who bore a child
So is he [Islaamically] required to give both his wives a gift [each] when one of them gives birth, or is he only required to give a gift to the one who gave birth?
After marriage, husband disappeared for three years
If a man undertook a contract [of marriage] with a woman and then disappeared for three years, is it permissible for her to request a divorce [from him] via the judge?
The ‘awrah of an infant
If a woman touches the ‘awrah of an infant, does this invalidate her ablution?