Is it permissible to wear clothes which have images printed on them, such as fish and birds?
Category: Manners & Etiquette
Using coloured contact lenses
What is the ruling regarding using coloured contact lenses for beautification?
Trimming the nails
What is the ruling regarding women letting their nails grow long, and is that permissible?
The ruling regarding alcohol
According to the majority of the scholars, the ruling regarding alcohol is that it is impure; this is based upon His (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) saying…
He forgot to utter ‘bismillaah’ before slaughtering
What is the ruling about eating the meat which was slaughtered by someone who was ignorant of the [prescribed] Sunnah [manner of slaughter]?
Elderly grandmother has forgotten how to pray
I have a grandmother who is more than 140 years of age, and is [only] able to move a short distance.
Trimming the beard from the top of both cheeks
I am a university student, and all Praise is due to Allaah [alone] as I was [blessed to have been] guided to maintain a beard [and let it grow]. However, I do trim it a little from [around] the neck as well as from the top of [both] the cheeks, and some [of those around me] took issue with me [for doing so], saying: [this is] not permissible. Bearing in mind this [excess] hair annoys me and is inconvenient, what is your opinion [regarding trimming this excess hair]?
Wearing friendship string bracelets
The wearing of [friendship] string bracelets amongst the male students in schools has [now] become widespread, so what is your opinion regarding that?
Food which has dropped on the tablecloth
Is the food which drops on the tablecloth included in the hadeeth about removing any dirt?
The cure for jealousy
What is the cure for jealousy?