Is there a difference between the saying of the scholars ‘this is prohibited ( حرام )’ or ‘this is not permissible’ ( لا يجوز )?
Category: Knowledge
The message of Islaam is for everyone
During the Messenger’s ﷺ time, did Islaam reach Europe? If it did, then how did it reach them, and how did they react?
Delivering short sermons of advice and reminders
We are students of knowledge, and we go to some of the masaajid and deliver short sermons of advice about death and other matters.
The People of the Bench – As.haab as-Suffah
Who are the As.haab as-Suffah?
The difference between Ibn al-’Arabee and Ibn ‘Arabee
What is the difference between Ibn al-’Arabee [ابن العربي] and Ibn ‘Arabee [ابن عربي]?
The tree trunk yearning for his return
What is the story of the tree trunk by which the Messenger ﷺ used to deliver the khutbah, and when the Messenger ﷺ left it for a while, it began to make a sound yearning [for him to return]?
Engaging in Da’wah activities
How should the Muslim engage in inviting [da’wah] to Islaam? And what is the best way to undertake da’wah [activities]?
Narrating fictitious stories
I narrate fictitious stories to children, and that is to encourage them to pray and be truthful, and all good things [in general]; so is this considered to be lies? [Bearing in mind] they are children, and are unaware, and don’t understand [these are fictitious stories].
Engaging in the remembrance of Allaah
Is it permissible to engage in the remembrance of Allaah whilst not in a state of wudhoo – such as [when uttering the] takbeer [الله أكبر], tahleel [لا إله إلا الله] and tahmeed [الحمد لله], as well as sending prayers and salutations upon the Messenger ﷺ?
Beneficial knowledge and harmful knowledge
What does the [following] saying of the Messenger ﷺ mean: «اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لاَ يَنْفَعُ»?