Are there any places which the Dajjaal will be unable to enter?
Category: Creed & Faith
The Last Hour shall not be established until “Allaah! Allaah!” shall cease to be said upon the earth
What does this hadeeth mean: «The [Last] Hour shall not be established until “Allaah! Allaah!” shall cease to be said upon the earth»?
The fitnah of the Dajjaal
We here about the Dajjaal and the fitnah surrounding him – that which the Messenger sought refuge [in Allaah] from, and we have been commanded to seek refuge [in Allaah] from his fitnah.
Seeking forgiveness for the deceased by the graveside
Is it permissible to stand by the graveside and seek forgiveness and supplicate for the deceased after burying him, and [likewise] to place/throw sand/earth over the grave?
The first obligation upon creation
What is the first obligation upon creation?
‘Eesaa (Jesus) the son of Mary descending from the heavens
I read in a book that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) the son of Mary ﷺ will descend from the heavens before the Day of Resurrection, and shall rule upon the earth for 40 years.
Whoever abuses the religion and the Prophets
hat is the ruling regarding someone who abuses the religion or any of the prophets?
Refuting Ahlul-Bid’ah is considered as jihaad
Is the statement of one who says that: “Whoever refutes the Ahlul-Bid’ah is considered a mujaahid in the Path of Allaah” – is this statement correct or not?
Testification of one’s eemaan because he regularly attends the masjid
Is it permissible to bear witness to someone’s eemaan (faith) just because he regularly goes to the masjid, as occurs in the hadeeth?
The creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah in regard to Allaah’s Names and Attributes
Does affirmation of a Name necessitate affirmation of an Attribute, and [likewise] does affirmation of an Attribute necessitate affirmation of a Name?