What is the ruling about saying ‘O Allaah! Hasten the arrival of the Last Hour’?
Category: Creed & Faith
Mentioning Allaah whilst in the toilet and bathroom
Is it permissible for a person to mention Allaah in the toilet, and a bathroom in which he relieves himself; for example, by saying ‘subhaa-nAllaah’ and ‘astagh-firullaah’ whilst he is [actually] seated on the toilet?
Accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh and eating their meat
What is the ruling regarding accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh (Shee’ah)? And is their meat halaal for us?
The Nusayriyyah and ‘Alawiyyah
We hear a lot about a group called Nusayriyyah and ‘Alawiyyah – so who are they, and why are they called so?
The meaning of sincerity
What is the meaning of ‘ikhlaas’ (sincerity), and what is the ruling if the worshipper intends [for] something other [than Allaah] with his worship?
Relating to eemaan as it occurs in the hadeeth
How can we relate between [the term] eemaan being: Eemaan in Allaah and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day and in Predestination, [both] the good and the bad…
Saying: “I created this”
If I was to make a cup for example, is it possible for me to say “I created it”, or would this be [regarded as] infringing in the affairs of the Attributes of Allaah and His Names?
Condition of young child of disbelieving parents dying
A child is born of disbelieving parents and dies before he attains the age of responsibility/understanding; Is he a Muslim according to [the Law of] Allaah or not
The Angel of Death
Is it correct that the name of the Angel of Death is ‘Izraa.eel?
Grave worshippers proof that the Prophet is buried inside al-Masjid an-Nabawee
How do we respond to the grave worshippers, who use as proof [for their practice] that the Prophet ﷺ was buried inside al-Masjid an-Nabawee?