Regarding Maryam (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), was her pregnancy like normal pregnancies of 9 months or what?
Category: Creed & Faith
Benefits of seeking forgiveness
What are the religious and worldly benefits of istighfaar?
The danger of satellite channels upon the ‘aqeedah
Something about which there is no doubt, is the danger emanating from satellite dishes; the worst of them being [the promotion of] shirk, magic and fortune telling.
The first of Allaah’s Creation
Is it permissible for a Muslim to say ‘O the first of Allaah’s Creation’ – in praise of [the Prophet] Muhammad ﷺ?
Qualities of the scholar performing ruqyah
Is it permissible to take a woman afflicted with black magic to one of the scholars to recite upon her?
Jibreel ‘alayhis-salaam did not make a mistake
What is the ruling regarding the Shee’ah, particularly those who say that ‘Alee [ibn Abee Taalib] is at the level of prophethood, and that [the angel] Jibreel made a mistake in descending upon our [Prophet] Muhammad [ﷺ with revelation]?
The difference between the Sunnah and the Shee’ah
I [kindly] request clarity regarding the difference between [the belief of those who adhere to] the Sunnah and [those who adhere to] the Shee’ah, and [who are] the closest of the [Shee’ah] groups to the Sunnah?
Treating an affliction of magic with magic
What is the ruling of a man or woman going [to a magician] to break a magic spell? And is it sufficient just to recite soorah al-Baqarah? And what are the [legislated] supplications regarding that?
Wife does not pray
My wife is a Muslim, and she fasts [the month of] Ramadhaan, however, she does not pray or do any [other religious] acts [of worship, and neither does she obey me or offer her prayer.
Seeing the Prophet ﷺ in a dream
A man saw our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in his dream, and he said to him: ‘Pray for me O Messenger of Allaah’. So is this dream real, or [just] imaginary? We request your guidance, and may Allaah grant you success.