We hear, Your Eminence, about the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh and that which their da’wah entails. So would you advise me to join this Jamaa’ah.
Category: Fatwa Focus
Never accompany the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh
Visit our YouTube channel for more Questioner: I am a young man having just begun to practice, and I accompany the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh, and I want to travel with them to Pakistan, so what do you advise me with [in this regard]? Shaykh: We advise you not to travel with them, nor to [even] […]
Shaving the beard off is sinful
Is the one who shaves his beard off sinful? Because I heard someone saying “the one who practices the Sunnah is rewarded, and the one who does not is not sinful.”
O Allaah! Make firm the Qur.aan in our hearts
He then uttered this dhikr, and asked Allaah to make firm the Qur.aan in his heart; thereafter, he never forgot the Qur.aan.
Dyeing grey hair black
I am a young man at the prime of my age, and I work in the medical field where I need to wear a uniform. Most of the hair [on my head] has turned grey, so is it permissible for me to dye it in black?
Trimming the beard from the top of both cheeks
I am a university student, and all Praise is due to Allaah [alone] as I was [blessed to have been] guided to maintain a beard [and let it grow]. However, I do trim it a little from [around] the neck as well as from the top of [both] the cheeks, and some [of those around me] took issue with me [for doing so], saying: [this is] not permissible. Bearing in mind this [excess] hair annoys me and is inconvenient, what is your opinion [regarding trimming this excess hair]?
Matters related to shaving off the beard
Indeed, there are 4 matters related to shaving off the beard, and they are…
Combing through the beard with wet fingers
Is it a condition for the one who has a thick beard, that the water reaches the roots [when doing wudhoo]?
Required to shave beard off
I am a young man who joined the military corps, and [upon joining] was required to shave off my beard – so should I abide by this condition?
The hairs which grow below the bottom lip
With regard to the hairs [which grow] below the bottom lip, are they regarded as part of the beard?