Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Is it permissible to fast on a Saturday – [to] make-up [an obligatory fast] or [just] a voluntary fast? Response: Yes, there is nothing wrong with fasting on a Saturday, whether [to] make-up [an obligatory fast] or [just] a voluntary fast. That is because the hadeeth that forbids […]
Category: Fatwa
The final fatwa of Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz warning against the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh
We hear, Your Eminence, about the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh and that which their da’wah entails. So would you advise me to join this Jamaa’ah.
Negligently missed fasting some days in Ramadhaan
What is the expiation for not fasting during Ramadhaan without a[n Islaamically acceptable] reason? [It’s just that] he did not fast for three days, so if you could explain how much exactly that would be.
About the ahaadeeth relating to 15th Sha’baan
Are the ahaadeeth relating to the excellence of the night of 15th Sha’baan authentic?
Fasting the 15th day of Sha’baan and the day of doubt
What is the ruling regarding fasting the 15th day of the month of Sha’baan, and is it permissible to fast the ‘day of doubt’ – at the end of the month? [Please] provide us with a ruling, [and] may you be rewarded.
Fasting most of the month of Sha’baan
The questioner says, tomorrow is the beginning of the month of Sha’baan. What are the good deeds legislated in this month, and is a good deed [done] in this month better than a good deed [done] in the sacred months (Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qi’dah and Dhul-Hijjah)?
Distinguishing the month of Rajab with an increase in worship
Some people distinguish the month of Rajab with an increase in worship, such as salaah and remaining awake during the night of the 27th (of Rajab).
Exchanging congratulatory messages and good wishes at Christmas
With the advent of this calendar month begin the Christmas celebrations and festivals of the Christians. [So] what is the ruling regarding participating in their celebrations – either taking part or attending them, or exchanging gifts or congratulatory messages [and good wishes]?
Loving and hating for the Sake of Allaah
What is the meaning of love for the Sake of Allaah, and hate for the Sake of Allaah?
Terminating a pregnancy before forty days
What is the ruling of having an abortion before forty days due to psychological and social circumstances, particularly if she fears divorce from her husband [at any time] in the future?