قال الأوزاعي رحمه الله:
سمعت يحيى(يعني ابن أبي كثير )،يقول:
"يصوم الرّجل عن الحلال الطيب،
ويفطر على الحرام الخبيث، لحم أخيه". يعني اغتيابه.رواه أبو نعيم ٦٩/٣
— الإمام ابن باز (@Emambinbaz) May 19, 2018
Abu Nu’aym – v3, p69
al-Awzaa’ee (rahima-hullaah) said:
I heard Yahya (meaning Ibn Abee Katheer) say:
‘A man fasts from that which is halaal and good, and breaks his fast with that which is haraam and bad; the flesh of his brother.’
[And what he intended by this was] his backbiting of him.