Had a wet dream whilst fasting Conjugal Relations, Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Masturbation, That which does & does not break the fast, The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research & Verdicts 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Kissing and playing with wife whilst fasting Conjugal Relations, Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen, That which does & does not break the fast 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
She masturbated whilst fasting Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Masturbation, That which does & does not break the fast, The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research & Verdicts 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Giving food and drink to the fasting person Excellence of fasting, Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Other issues pertaining to the fast, The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research & Verdicts 21 November 199924 December 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Sexual intercourse whilst on travel Conjugal Relations, Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz, That which does & does not break the fast 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Sun does not set until late, so when should we break our fast Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Other issues pertaining to the fast, Sahoor, imsaak & iftaar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Eating after the adhaan of Fajr Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Sahoor, imsaak & iftaar, The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research & Verdicts 21 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Valid reasons for divorce Divorce & Annulment, Fatwa, Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz 20 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Neglecting to fast Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Other issues pertaining to the fast, Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz 20 November 199922 February 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah
Leaving off fasting due to laziness Fasting [صوم], Fatwa, Making-up the missed days & expiation, Other issues pertaining to the fast, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen 20 November 199928 March 2024 Abu 'Abdullaah