قال الإمام الآجري رحمه الله :
"ينبغي لمن رزقه الله حسن الصوت بالقرآن
أن يعلم أن الله قد خصه بخير عظيم
فليعرف قدر ما خصه الله به
وليقرأ لله لا للمخلوقين".
كتاب أخلاق حملة القرآن— الإمام ابن عثيمين. (@Binothaymeen) January 13, 2018
akhlaaq hamalatul-qur.aan
al-Imaam al-Aajurree (rahima-hullaah) said:
It is befitting for the one whom Allaah has blessed with a beautiful voice for [reciting] the Qur.aan, that he know Allaah has blessed him with immense good. So he should know the extent of what Allaah has blessed him with, and [thereby] recite for the sake of Allaah [alone], and not [any of] the creation.